We had been assigned for this project to learn and develop skills in the 3D animating program: Autodesk Maya.
We were first instructed and given a walkthrough animating a 3D rig of a ball, exercising the techniques of squash and stretch to get a grip of the main interface of the program. The core functions and learning how to set up chains of motions were difficult to get a hang of but it was barely reminiscent of how Adobe Flash's motion tweens worked.
An example of what we did for this exercise can be found in an earlier post to this blog.
After we had completed that first step into what Maya is capable of, the main task we had been given was to animate a character (In this case it was of a rig called MooM) to a choice of one of three set pieces of audio/dialogue tracks.
The dialogue I had chosen from the three was: "Lobo. He's tough, he's a brute. But he's got a good heart. At the end of the picture, he saves the girl." from the film Ed Wood.
Unlike what other's have done I wanted to animated the character as if it was actually saying the lines of dialogue rather than acting out the lines as if the scene is being narated.
I used gestures and notions to make the character looks as if it is "talking with his hands" accompanied by facial expressions and positioning the head.
Overall Maya, is very compotent software with an interface that needs to be learned and fully explored and experimented with. But with enough exerience some vastly impressive work can be done.
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