Sunday, 27 February 2011

Modelling in Autodesk Mudbox.

Another portion of this term's project's was based on learning the extensive modelling program Autodesk Mudbox.
A tool that can be used for producing detailed models by using more traditional methods of sculpting but in a digital 3D environment.
The format works in a similar fashion of Photoshop allowing you to organise any changes you make to your current model in a managable Layer system, Making things lot easier when it comes to trying out and experimenting new methods to acheive a look.

To acquaint ourselves with the software and it's capabilities we were assigned to sculpt a fellow student's bust (Head and Shoulders) into Mudbox, this would involve taking a photo of the subject's bust and using these images for referance.
I chose to sculpt Jake Neal for this project, his hair would be a task to do but I felt that with it being tied back it would be managable.

After sculpting the model I had to texture on the topology of the model, showing were lines would be placed onto the model to show where parts of the face would move if the model would be rigged for animation.
Overall, I really enjoyed working with Mudbox and plan to use it anytime I can to develop my skills with it and experiment.

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