Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Flash Animation from Traditional Animation.

Traditional animation (most commonly referred to as Classical animation or hand-drawn animation) can be seen as the oldest and historically the most popular technique of animation.
Usually in a traditionally animated cartoon, each frame is drawn by hand, each cel of the character has to be repetively drawn and keeping the consistancy can be both tedius and difficult.
The term "Tradition Animation" is often used to keep the seperation with the now more commonly used and easily produced computer animation.

A Flash animation or Flash cartoon are animated film which are created in Adobe Falsh or similar digital animation software.
With dozens of Flash animated televison serise, countless advertisements and award-winning animated shorts that circulated over the internet. Flash animation is currently at the peak of it's exposure and is enjoying a renaissance.

Both styles of animaton are usually eas to spot. There are some styles of Flash animation tha have "cut" characters where the limbs or bother body parts are obviously static images being manipulated.
Whilst Traditional animation can be seen to be of a much higher quality, but requires alot more funding, time and skill.

A series called "Star Wars: Clone Wars" created by Gendy Tartakovsky (Of Samurai Jack fame). The series utilized a very distinctive style to the characters and environments (consisting to Tartakovsky's art style). But what was most interesting was it's blend of Traditional and Flash animation techniques. Having the smooth and impressive attributes of Traditional and making use of the shortcuts that Flash animation can provide. Some scenes in the series even have cel-shaded CGI.

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